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F1 Delta Time Clone Script - Build NFT Based Virtual Car Racing Game Platform
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F1 Delta Time Clone Script - Build NFT Based Virtual Car Racing Game Platform

F1 Delta Time Clone Script - Build NFT Based Virtual Car Racing Game Platform


F1 Delta Time Clone Script

F1 Delta Time Clone Script is a blockchain based NFT collectibles and virtual car racing gaming platform. Our F1 Delta Time Clone Script utilises the ethereum blockchain and ERC-721 and ERC-20 standards for non-fungible and fungible tokens, respectively. 

Sellbitbuy, a leading NFT gaming platform development company offers the best F1 Delta Time Clone Script with two main components: the collectibles game and the racing game. Using our F1 Delta Time Clone Script one can able to launch their very own NFT gaming platform and enter the NFT industry.

Features Of F1 Delta Time Clone Script

As the F1 Delta Time Clone Script is classified into two components, the collectibles game and the racing games the features also differ. Let us look into them.

Collectibles Game Features

Achievement Merits

Racing Game Features

Multiplayer Game
Own Everything
Action Arcade Racing Gameplay
Grand Prix Mode
Driver 3D Model
Driver 2D Thumbnail
Racing Stats

F1 Delta Time Clone Script - The Collectibles Game

The collectibles game in our F1 Delta Time Clone Script is a trading center where users can buy and sell their rare digital items like cars, drivers, components, and trinkets. They are collectively known as Collectibles. Additionally they have some gamifications. Here there are layers like achievements and leaderboards. The collectibles in our F1 Delta Time Clone Script is designed as a scarcity based game 

F1 Delta Time Clone Script - The Racing Game

The racing game in our F1 Delta Time Clone Script is a traditional racing game. The players will make use of the rarely collected collectibles (car, drivers, tyres, etc) in the race. 

How Do Players Acquire Collectible In F1 Delta Time Clone Script?

There are several ways for the players to get or purchase the collectibles. They are as follows.

Giveaways: The players can be rewarded with Collectibles by running a series of giveaway events.

Store: This is the primary source for selling the new collectibles. 

Fixed Price Sales: The fixed-price sales is a predefined price that happens the sell the collectibles. The sale will be based on the following factors: available volume, properties and the market value.

Auctions:  Several collectibles will be available only in the auction. 


Our F1 Delta Time Clone Script utilizes two standards of the Ethereum tokens. They are ERC-20 and ERC-721. 

Non-Fungible Tokens

The Collectibles are non fungible tokens that are a piece of  unique digital content. The collectibles can be fully controlled by the player as they have the complete right to use, buy, sell, and trade them. 

The demanding collectibles like cars, drivers, components, and tracks are composed of NFTs. These items attract the drivers and car owners to improve their performance. All NFTs in F1 Delta Time will be compliant with the ERC-721 standard. The NFTs in the platform are ERC-721 standard.

Fungible Tokens

As the fungible tokens are interchangeable and common. Here REVs are the fungible tokens. F1 Delta Time uses the REV tokens as the inbuilt fungible tokens. REV is also similar to the collectibles, the players can fully take over them. REV is the game's main currency.

What Is REV Token?

REV Tokens are ERC-20 tokens. As said already REVs are the primary currency used in the F1 Delta Time.  These currencies are used to buy the collectibles, entrance fees for participating in a race, rewards, etc. Similar to other gaming platforms, the more currency holds the more options the user will have in the game. In simple terms, Staking is one of the primal mechanisms to initially generate the REVs.

What Is Staking?

The term Staking refers to the holding of the REV tokens for a particular period. The Staking of the NFTs will generate earning and rewards on it. The length of the staking period and the staked value determines the rewards. It was the new feature in the F1 Delta Time designed for the car owners to generate REV tokens.

Build An NFT Based Blockchain Game Like F1 Delta Time?

If you are an entrepreneur who is wishing to start an NFT based blockchain game like F1 Delta Time, then we Sellbitbuy, a leading NFT Development Company, is here to help you with our F1 Delta Time Clone Script. We have expertized blockchain developers to build you a high end car racing gaming platform. 

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